Knock Knock Jokes.. Easy for the Kids to remember, sometimes unique with a play on words. Do you have your own?  
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? Yoda! Yoda who? Yoda leh ee-hoooo!
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? Old lady. Old lady, who? I didn't know you could yodel!
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? Zeke. Zeke who? Zeke and ye shall find...
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? Zany. Zany who? Zany body home?
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? Juliet. Juliet who? Juliet me in?
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? Dakota. Dakota who? Dakota is-a too long in da arms.
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? Cozy. Cozy who? Cozy who's knocking.
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? I-8. I-8 who? I-8 lunch already... Is dinner ready?
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? C-2 C-2 who? C-2 it that you don't forget my name next time!
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? Hawaii. Hawaii who? I'm fine, Hawaii you?
  • Knock Knock! Who's there? Candace. Candace who? Candace be the last knock knock joke?